2025 Garden Expo
& Tree Giveaway
Saturday, November 8
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Maui Nui Botanical Gardens, 150 Kanaloa Ave., Kahului
(across from War Memorial Stadium)
Make plans to attend on November 8th.
This annual event features tree and plant care lectures, free hands-on Hawaiian cultural activities, conservation organizations, plants for sale, and a giveaway of approximately 1,900 native Hawaiian or Polynesian introduced trees.
Additionally in 2025 we will be expanding the NATIVE AND RARE PLANTS SALES, showcasing up to 10 local nurseries.* You don’t want to miss the opportunity to acquire these limited and rare specimens.
Maui Arbor Day is made possible by the Kaulunani Urban & Community Forestry Program*, USDA Forest Service*, Maui Association of Landscape Professionals, Hawaiian Electric and Maui Nui Botanical Gardens.
Event images courtesy of Linda Tessar Amimoto and MNBG staff.
Event Highlights
Plant Sales
Discover your neighborhood plant nurseries.
Fill your garden with fun plants, from waterlilies to fruit trees, desert rose & more.
Tree Giveaway
The highlight of the event, each year we give away over 1,800 trees, courtesy of our corporate sponsors. *Limit one per person.
Craft and Exhibit Booths
With exhibitors offering activities and crafts, there is something everyone, no matter the age.
Learn about invasive species, pests and more at these quick info sessions.
Our speakers are experts on Hawaii plants.
Learn how to plant your new tree! Demonstrations run throughout the day and include proper tree placement, planting, care, and trimming.
Food and Beverage Vendors
Drinking coconuts will be for sale by Alex Pinsky of Coconut Protectors
Lunches made by chef Will Bailey will be for sale to benefit Order of the Arrow Crew 554, to help fund the scout troop’s trip to Japan
FAQs *
How many trees can I get for free?
Limit of one per person, any age.
Must be present at the event to receive a free tree.
What kind of trees will be given away?
In 2024 all of the trees given away will be native or Polynesian introduced including:
ʻĀʻaliʻi Dodonaea viscosa
Alaheʻe Psydrax odorata
Halapepe Dracaena auwahiensis
Hala Pandanus tectorius
Hoawa Pittosporum hosmeri
Iliahialoʻe (Santalum ellipticum)
Kamani Callophyllum inophyllum
Koa Acacia koa
Koaia Acacia koaia
Kokiʻo keʻo keʻo Hibiscis arnottianus ssp. immaculatus
Kokiʻo ʻula ʻula Hibiscus kokio ssp. kokio
Kokiʻo ʻula ʻula (Hibiscus clayi)
Māmaki Pipturus albidus
Maʻo Gossypium tomemtosum
Maʻo Hau Hele Hibiscus brackenridgei ssp. brackenridgei
ʻOhe mauka (Polyscias oahuensis)
ʻŌhiʻa Metrosideros polymorpha
ʻŌhiʻa ʻai Syzygium malaccense
ʻUki ʻuki Dianella sandwicensis
Wiliwili Erythrina sandwicensis
Maui Arbor Day is made possible by the Kaulunani Urban & Community Forestry Program*, USDA Forest Service*, Maui Association of Landscape Professionals, Hawaiian Electric and Maui Nui Botanical Gardens.
Mahalo to Maui Green and Beautiful for sponsoring the TreeCircus presentation.
*Kaulunani Urban & Community Forestry Program is funded by the Region 5, State and Private Forestry branch of the USDA Forest Service and by the Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife. USDA Forest Service is an equal opportunity provider.